Reporting senior sign and date. The date must be the actual signature date of the report. All reports must be signed by the reporting senior whose name appears in block 22. Below this you will see the Summary Group Average. This is the average eval score for the other personnel in your rate at your command. You can compare this with your Individual Trait Average in Block 40 to see where you stand within the command.SIGNATURE OF INDIVIDUAL EVALUATED
Verify the name, SSN, and other administrative entries!! After reviewing the report, check the box indicating intention to submit or not to submit a statement, and sign and date all copies. Do NOT forget to take your time and review the eval. Your SSN is what is used to track your evals, be sure and sure again that it is typed correctly! Remember, you inherit any typos, mistakes, or missing information once the eval is signed and goes into your permanent record.REGULAR REPORTING SENIOR SIGNATURE ON CONCURRENT REPORT
This is the typed name, rank, title, and command of the regular reporting senior, and the regular reporting senior will sign and date the report.